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لعبة دراغون بول Z غضب بو

لعبة دراغون بول زد : غضب بو Dragon Ball GT – Buu’s Fury

لعبة دراغون بول زد : غضب بو Dragon Ball Z – Buu’s Fury

 من العاب ار بي جي و المغامرات الحصريه بدون تحميل ,هذه اللعبة محولة من الجيم بوي لتلعب اونلاين على الكمبيوتر . إنها لعبة أكشن لجيم بوي أدفانس . قصة اللعبة هي نفس قصة انمي دراغون بول Z و بالضبط ارك الماجين بو وهجومه على الارض اي ما بين الحلقة 190 والحلقة الاخيرة 291  . لعبة جديدة و رائعة من العاب الانمي حصريا على موقع Games4anime

  طريقة اللعب : 

Click inside of the game to START. This game uses only the keyboard. Click on the icon menu on the bottom of the game to see the controls or change it to fit you. If you don’t finish, you can save the game code to your computer and load the save code when you come back


Default Control:

A button = Z key on your keyboard

B button = X key on your keyboard

L button = A key on your keyboard

R button = S key on your keyboard

Start button = Enter on your keyboard

Select button = backspace on your keyboard

  معلومات عن اللعبة : 

Dragon Ball Z – Buu’s Fury follows the events of the Great Saiyaman, World Tournament, Babidi, Majin Buu, Fusion and Kid Buu Sagas. It also follows the scenes of the movies Dragon Ball Z: Broly – Second Coming and Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn.
Each “section” of the game is put into a Chapter/Episode format. There are 12 chapters in the game:
  1. The Other World – Play as Goku as you train on Grand Kai’s planet with Olibu and participate in the Other World Tournament against Pikkon.
  2. Great Saiyaman – Play as Gohan as you defeat various thugs, the Red Shark Gang, and the Musuka Circus’ crew with the Great Saiyaman powers.
  3. World Tournament – Play as Trunks, Gohan, Videl and Goku as you compete in the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament.
  4. Babidi – Play as Gohan, Goku and Vegeta as you search for Babidi’s spaceship and fight the wizard’s warriors.
  5. Majin Vegeta – Play as Goku and Vegeta as Majin Buu is unleashed and Vegeta turns evil.
  6. Dragon Ball – Play as Trunks and Goten to get the Dragon Radar from Bulma, and then to search the seven Dragon Balls and fight Broly.
  7. Majin Buu – Play as Goku and Gotenks as you fight against Majin Buu.
  8. Janemba – Play as Goku, Vegeta and Gogeta as you fight against Janemba and Super Janemba.
  9. Super Buu – Play as Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, Goten and Trunks or Gotenks as you take on Super Buu.
  10. Fusion – Play as Goku, Vegeta, and Vegito as you take on Super Buu in a fused form, and explore theinside of Super Buu’s body.
  11. Kid Buu – Play as Goku and Vegeta as you defeat Kid Buu. After defeating Kid Buu, all characters become available until initiating the ending sequence at Capsule Corporation.
  12. A New Beginning – Ending sequence, not playable. After the ending sequence is over, the credits and theDragon Ranking are shown.

Boss characters

  • Olibu
  • Pikkon
  • Spopovich
  • Yamu
  • Pui Pui
  • Yakon
  • Dabura
  • Bandit King
  • Pilaf’s Guardian
  • Warlord
  • Ninja Boss
  • Pharaoh Totenhotep
  • Broly
  • Majin Buu
  • Janemba
  • Super Janemba
  • Illusion Gotenks
  • Illusion Gohan
  • Illusion Piccolo
  • Super Buu
  • Kid
only single player mode is playable.
As always, Have Fun.

By hamada belghiti

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