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لعبة قتال دراغون بول Z ثلاثية الابعاد

لعبة قتال و مغامرات دراغون بول زد ثلاثية الابعاد Dragon Ball Z – Hyper Dimension

لعبة قتال و مغامرات دراغون بول زد ثلاثية الابعاد Dragon Ball Z – Hyper Dimension

 من العاب القتال و المغامرات 3D الحصريه بدون تحميل ,هذه اللعبة محولة من النينتندو لتلعب اونلاين على الكمبيوتر . إنها لعبة أكشن لجيم بوي أدفانس . قم باختيار احد شخصيات انمي دراغون بول زد المقاتلة وابدا القتال حتى تقضي على كل منافسيك , في اللعبة مجموعة من شخصيات الانمي الرائعة من بينهم : غوغو,فيجيتا,غوهان,سيل,بيكولو,فيجيتو,فريزا,بو,غوتنكس . لعبة جديدة و رائعة من العاب الانمي حصريا على موقع Games4anime

  طريقة اللعب : 

Keyboard control only. Click on the icon menu on the bottom to see the default controls or change it to fit you. If you don’t finish, you can download the save code to your computer and load the save code when you come back. Only 1 player mode is operational. Only 1 player mode is operational. You can play vs CPU, but not 2nd player.

The amount of life for characters is measured by a number system from 1 to 999, which can be charged at any time during the match. When the life reaches a level below 80, the characters are able to perform “desperate moves”, which cause a large amount of damage.


Default Control:

X Button - Releases a back hand type attack. Also used to cancel out small 
Ki Blasts.

Y Button - Punch.

B Button - Kick.

A Button - Ki blast.

L Button - Dash with arrow.

R Button - Dash with arrow.
Select - Cancels out of Pratice Mode. (This is its only use.)

Start - Use to select options and also pauses the game.

  معلومات عن اللعبة : 

- A. Super Saiyajin 2 Goku . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SS2GOK6.1 ]-

Abise Geri: Down, Back And B Button.
Chou Kamehameha: Down, Back, Forward And A Button.
Double Kick: Forward And B Button.
Double Punch: Down, Forward And Y Button.
Jumping Knee: Forward, Down, Forward And B Button.
Kamehameha: Back, Down, Forward And A Button.
Kantsu Energy Dan: Forward, Back, Forward And A Button.
Quad Kick: Back, Down, Forward And B Button.
Shunkan Idou (Away.): Back, Down, Back And B Button.
Shunkan Idou (Towards.): Back, Down, Back And Y Button.
Side Slash: Hold L/R Button + B Button.
Slash Down Kick (While In The Air.): Forward, Down And B Button.

Desperation Attack (Genki Dama.): Back, Down, Forward, Up + Y Button.
(Can ONLY be done with 80 Health or less.)

- B. Super Saiyajin 2 Majin Vegeta . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SS2MAV6.2 ]-

Bakuhatsuha: Down, Up And Y Button.
Bakukenha: Diagonal Back Down, Diagonal Forward Up And Y Button.
Big Bang Attack: Back, Down, Forward And A Button.
Chou Energy Dan (While in the air): Down, Back And A Button.
Dash Bakukenha: Back, Down, Forward And Y Button.
Driving Elbow: Hold L/R Button + Y Button.
Energy Field (While In The Air.): Down, Back And Y Button.
Final Flash: Down, Back, Forward And A Button.
Needle Block: Forward, Down, Forward And B Button.
Renzoku Energy Dan: Down, Forward And A Button.
Sliding Kick: Down, Forward And B Button.
Super Dash: Down, Forward And B Button. (Three Times.)

Desperation Attack (Galic Ho.): Up, Down + Y Button.
(Can ONLY be done with 80 Health or less.)

- C. Super Saiyajin 3 Gotenks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SS3GOT6.3 ] -

Aerial Kantsu Energy Dan (While In The Air.): Forward, Back, Forward And A
Kikoha: Back, Down, Forward And A Button.
Power Tackle: Down, Forward + Y Button.
Renzoku Energy Dan: Down, Forward And A Button.
Renzoku Shine Shine Missiles: Down, Forward, Down, Forward And A Button.
Rolling Thunder Punch: Back, Down, Forward And Y Button.
Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack: Down, Back, Forward And A Button.
Ultra Diving Headbutt: Hold L/R Button + Y Button.
Wild Boar Takedown: Down, Forward And Y Button.

Desperation Attack (Gekitotsu Ultra Buu Buu Volley Ball.): Forward, Back,
Down, Forward And Y Button.
(Can ONLY be done with 80 Health or less.)

- D. Mystic Gohan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MYGOH6.4 ]-

Bakuretsu Punch: Hold Back, Forward + Y Button.
Buku Kyaku (While In The Air.): Forward, Down And B Button.
Kamehameha: Down, Back, Forward And A Button.
Masenko: Back, Down, Forward And A Button.
Renzoku Energy Dan: Down, Forward And A Button.
Rushing Knee Slasher: Hold Back, Forward + B Button.
Rushing Uppercut: Forward + Y Button.
Zanku Kyaku: Hold Down, Up + B Button.
Zanzoken Rushing Knee: Hold L/R Button + B Button.

Desperation Attack (Gekiretsu Rush.): Forward, Down, Back, Forward And B
(Can ONLY be done with 80 Health or less.)

- E. Super Saiyajin 2 Vegetto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SS2VEG6.5 ] -

Aerial Kick: Back/Down, Forward/Up And B Button.
Big Bang Attack: Back, Down, Forward And A Button.
Double Slash Kick (While In The Air.): Forward, Down And B Button.
Elbow Dash: Down, Forward And Y Button.
Final Kamehameha: Down, Back, Forward And A Button.
Kakusan Energy Dan: Down, Back And A Button.
Slash Kick: Hold L/R Button + B Button.
Ultimate Rush: Forward, Down, Back And B Button.

Desperation Attack (Galactic Juggle.): Down, Back, Down, Forward And Y
(Can ONLY be done with 80 Health or less.)

- F. Piccolo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ PICC6.6 ]-

Buku Kyaku (While In The Air.): Forward, Down And B Button.
Chou Bakuretsumaha: Back, Down, Forward And A Button.
Electric Freeze: Back, Down And A Button.
Makankosappo: Down, Back, Forward And A Button.
Mystic Attack (High.): Forward, Down, Forward And Y Button.
Mystic Attack (Low.): Forward, Down, Forward And B Button.
Regeneration Counter: Back, Down, Forward And Y Button.
Sonic Kick: Hold L/R Button + B Button.
Tsuihidan: Forward, Down, Forward And A Button.

Desperation Attack (Kakusanyudokodan.): Forward, Back, Down, Up And Y
(Can ONLY be done with 80 Health or less.)

- G. Majin Buu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MAJBUU6.7 ]-

Buu Drop (While In The Air.): Down + B Button.
Buu Energy Bomb: Back, Down, Forward And A Button.
Flying Crash: Hold L/R Button + B Button.
Kakusan Energy Dan: Down, Back And A Button.
Mightiness Bomber: Down, Back, Forward And A Button.
Oyatsu Kosen: Hold Down, Up + B Button.
Planet Attack: Hold Back, Forward + Y Button.
Power Press: Hold Down, Up + Y Button.
Tornado Buu Buu Spin: Hold Back, Forward + B Button.
True Planet Attack: Hold Back, Forward, Y Button, Back, Down, Forward + Y

Desperation Attack (Genocide Assault.): Down, Forward, Y Button + B
(Can ONLY be done with 80 Health or less.)

- H. Kid Buu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ KIDBUU6.8 ]-

Buu Bullet: Back, Down, Forward And A Button.
Buu Floater (While In The Air.): Forward, Down, Back And Y Button.
Buu Whip: Down, Forward And Y Button.
Earth Kick (Far.): Down, Back And A Button.
Earth Kick (Middle.): Down, Back And B Button.
Earth Kick (Near.): Down, Back And Y Button.
Electric Energy Ball: Down, Back, Forward And A Button.
Kantsu Energy Dan: Forward, Back, Forward And A Button.
Renzoku Energy Dan (While In The Air. Downward.): Forward, Down And B
Renzoku Energy Dan (While In The Air. Forward.): Forward, Down And Y
Rolling Buu Attack: Hold L/R Button + Y Button.
Rolling Disc Tackle: Back, Down, Forward And Y Button.
Stretching Punch: Forward + Y Button.

Desperation Attack (Explosive Arm Blast.): Back, Forward, Down, Up + Y
(Can ONLY be done with 80 Health or less.)

- I. Frieza (Final Form.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ FRIFF6.9 ]-

Death Ball (While In The Air, Downward.): Down, Back And B Button.
Death Ball: Back, Down, Forward And A Button.
Double Kick: Hold L/R Button + B Button.
Double Slash Kick (While In The Air, Downward.): Forward, Down And B
Frieza Beam: Back, Down And A Button.
Frieza Blast: Down, Back, Forward And A Button.
Frieza Slasher: Down, Back And Y Button.
Kienzan: Forward, Down, Forward And A Button.
Kishinha: Forward, Down, Forward And Y Button.
Psychokinesis Grab: Forward, Down, Back And Y Button.

Desperation Attack (Charging Flame Headbutt.): Down, Back, Y Button + B
(Can ONLY be done with 80 Health or less.)

- J. Perfect Cell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ PECEL6.10 ] -

Cell Jr. Creation Attack: Forward, Back, Forward And B Button.
Chou Kamehameha: Down, Back, Forward And A Button.
Energy Arrow (While In The Air.): Forward, Down And Y Button.
Grand Shoulder Slide: Hold L/R Button + Y Button.
Kamehameha: Back, Down, Forward And A Button.
Kantsu Energy Dan: Forward, Back, Forward And A Button.
Ki Flame (Upwards.): Back, Down, Forward And Y Button.
Psychokinesis Lift: Forward, Down, Back And Y Button.
Rushing Suki Combo: Down, Forward And Y Button.
Screaming Ki Burst: Forward, Down, Back And B Button.

Desperation Attack #1 (Chou Bakuhatsuha.): Forward, Down, Back, Down,
Forward And Y Button.
Desperation Attack #2 (Chou Bakuretsu Renzoku Punch.): Forward, Back,
Forward, Back, Forward And Y Button.
(Can ONLY be done with 80 Health or less.)
In this section, you'll find descriptions of each character's attacks.

Abise Geri: An attack where the user jumps into the air with his legs
parted, like a split and slams their feet down onto the enemy.
Who Uses It: Super Saiyajin 2 Goku.

Aerial Kantsu Energy Dan: The user leaps into the air and performs a
triple Ki Blast attack.
Who Uses It: Super Saiyajin 3 Gotenks.

Aerial Kick: An attack where the user leaps upwards and swings their leg
at the opponent.
Who Uses It: Super Saiyajin 2 Vegetto.

Bakuhatsuha: An explosion of Ki uplifts from the ground when used.
Who Uses It: Super Saiyajin 2 Majin Vegeta.

Bakukenha: A quick attack, which the user jumps into the air and releases
a Ki Blast.
Who Uses Ir: Super Saiyajin 2 Majin Vegeta.

Big Bang Attack: The user puts their arm forward and releases a fairly
sized Ki Blast.
Who Uses It: Super Saiyajin 2 Majin Vegeta And Super Saiyajin 2 Vegetto.

Buku Kyaku: An attack where the user jumps into the air, stops briefly,
then flies down and performs multiple kicks to the opponent.
Who Uses It: Mystic Gohan And Piccolo.

Buu Bullet: A large ball of Ki energy fired from the hand.
Who Uses It: Kid Buu.

Buu Drop: The user of this attack drops down from above in a massive
diving thrust.
Who Uses It: Majin Buu.

Buu Energy Bomb: An attack where the user leaps into the air and stays
there, with a huge barrier of energy surrounding them, stopping any attack
and damaging the opponent if they touch them.
Who Uses It: Majin Buu.

Buu Floater: The user simply turns themselves into a glider and glides
down the screen slowly.
Who Uses It: Kid Buu.

Buu Whip: An attack where the user uses a part of their body as a whip.
Who Uses It: Kid Buu.

Charging Flame Headbutt: An attack where the user surrounds themselves in
a aura of flame and then charges head first at the opponent.
Who Uses It: Frieza. (Final Form.)

Chou Bakuhatsuha: The user grows in size and hits the ground with such
force, that 3 massive pillars of Ki errupt from the ground.
Who Uses It: Perfect Cell.

Chou Bakuretsumaha: An attack where the user charges Ki infront of their
chest with their hands and then releases it outwards.
Who Uses It: Piccolo.

Chou Bakuretsu Renzoku Punch: The user grows in size and charges towards
the opponent with a barrage of multiple punches.
Who Uses It: Perfect Cell.

Chou Energy Dan: An attack where the user fires two quick shots of Ki at
the opponent.
Who Uses It: Super Saiyajin 2 Majin Vegeta.

Chou Kamehameha: An attack performed when the user cups their hands and
charges their Ki and then releases it in a MASSIVE wave.
Who Uses It: Super Saiyajin 2 Goku And Perfect Cell.

Cell Jr. Creation Attack: The user creates a smaller clone of itself,
where it then launches itself at the opponent and explodes.
Who Uses It: Perfect Cell.

Dash Bakukenha: An attack which is used when the user charges towards the
opponent and then releases a Ki Blast.
Who Uses It: Super Saiyajin 2 Majin Vegeta.

Death Ball: A large ball of dark energy, charged above the head with one
finger and then released at the opponent. After hitting the ground, it
digs into it and disappears.
Who Uses It: Frieza. (Final Form.)

Double Kick: The user of this attack performs a double kick.
Who Uses It: Super Saiyajin 2 Goku And Frieza. (Final Form.)

Double Punch: The user of this attack performs a double punch.
Who Uses It: Super Saiyajin 2 Goku.

Double Slash Kick: An attack where the user jumps into the air, kicks the
opponent, then kicks them again.
Who Uses It: Super Saiyajin 2 Vegetto And Frieza. (Final Form.)

Driving Elbow: An attack where the user charges at the opponent, attacking
with their elbow.
Who Uses It: Super Saiyajin 2 Majin Vegeta.

Earth Kick: The user of this attack throws their leg into the ground and
brings it up in a different location.
Who Uses It: Kid Buu.

Elbow Dash: An attack where the user charges at the opponent with his
elbow out. If the attack hits, a quick punch is followed after the attack.
Who Uses It: Super Saiyajin 2 Vegetto.

Electric Energy Ball: An attack where the user charges a Ki Ball above
their head, with electricity surrounding it, then releases it at the
Who Uses It: Kid Buu.

Electric Freeze: The user of this attack fires electricity from their
antenna, stunning whoever is hit with it for a short time.
Who Uses It: Piccolo.

Energy Arrow: An attack where the user fires a small Ki Blast from two
fingers at the opponent.
Who Uses It: Perfect Cell.

Energy Field: The user of this attack jumps into the air and surrounds
themselves with a Ki Barrier, guarding from any attack.
Who Uses It: Super Saiyajin 2 Majin Vegeta.

Explosive Arm Blast: An attack where the user grabs the opponent, barrages
them with his arm and then rips his arm off and uses it as an explosive.
Who Uses It: Kid Buu.

Final Flash: An attack where the user leans back and throws their arms out
infront of them and charges up their Ki. Depending on how long the attack
is charged, it will do a certain damage to the opponent.
Who Uses It: Super Saiyajin 2 Majin Vegeta.

Final Kamehameha: An attack, which is the combined result of the
Kamehameha and the Final Flash. The user cups their hands and charges the
Ki Blast and depending on how long it's charged, it will do a certain
amount of decent damage to the opponent.
Who Uses It: Super Saiyajin 2 Vegetto.

Flying Crash: An attack where the user flies off and flies back in, butt
first and slams into the opponent.
Who Uses It: Majin Buu.

Frieza Beam: An attack where the user takes two fingers and fires a narrow
beam at the ground, which heads towards the opponent.
Who Uses It: Frieza. (Final Form.)

Frieza Blast: An attack where the user stands still, extends one arm and
uses the other to grip the arm. They then begin to charge a MASSIVE Ki
Ball and then release it.
Who Uses It: Frieza. (Final Form.)

Frieza Slasher: An attack where the user lifts their hand really fast,
causing a slash of wind to follow and knocking the opponent into the air.
Who Uses It: Frieza. (Final Form.)

Galactic Juggle: A massive assault, where the user barrages the opponent
with punches and kicks, finishing with a somersault kick, kicking them
into the air and firing a beam at them. As they come down, the user grabs
them in mid air and slams them down, finishing with a explosion which
further hurts them.
Who Uses It: Super Saiyajin 2 Vegetto.

Galic Ho: An attack where the user hits the opponent to the ground and
then from the air, fires off massive Ki Blasts, before finishing with one
giant Ki Blast.
Who Uses It: Super Saiyajin 2 Majin Vegeta.

Gekiretsu Rush: A powerful physical attack, where the user rushes the
opponent and barrages them with punches and a few kicks, finishing with a
jump kick.
Who Uses It: Mystic Gohan.

Gekitotsu Ultra Buu Buu Volley Ball: An attack where the user fires off 3
Energy Rings, which wrap the opponent into a ball. The user then picks the
ball up and slams it around the screen.
Who Uses It: Super Saiyajin 3 Gotenks.

Genki Dama: A powerful attack, where the user first assaults the opponent
and then turns SSJ3, performs the Dragon Punch, turns back to their normal
state and performs the Genki Dama.
Who Uses It: Super Saiyajin 2 Goku.

Genocide Assault: An attack where the user stuns the opponent with
electricity, then releases a massive amount of Ki from their mouth onto
the entire area.
Who Uses It: Majin Buu.

Grand Shoulder Slide: An attack where the user charges the opponent with
his shoulder.
Who Uses It: Perfect Cell.

Kamehameha: An attack where the user cups their hands behind them and
charges up a Ki Blast. Depending on how long it is charged, certain damage
will be delt.
Who Uses It: Super Saiyajin 2 Goku, Mystic Gohan And Perfect Cell.

Kakusan Energy Dan: An attack where the user fires off three 3 quick Ki
Who Uses It: Super Saiyajin 2 Goku, Super Saiyajin 2 Vegetto And Majin

Kakusanyudokodan: An attack where the user barrages his opponent with
physical attacks, then sends them into the air and fires 5 Ki Blasts at
Who Uses It: Piccolo.

Kantsu Energy Dan: An attack where the user fires off a massive Ki Blast.
Who Uses It: Super Saiyajin 2 Goku, Super Saiyajin 2 Vegetto, Kid Buu And
Perfect Cell.

Kienzan: An attack where the user creates a razor sharp disc of energy and
fires it at the opponent.
Who Uses It: Frieza. (Final Form.)

Ki Flame: An attack where the user swings their hand in front of them and
three big Ki Flames fly out.
Who Uses It: Perfect Cell.

Kikoha: An attack where the user gathers Ki from their hands and releases
it at the opponent.
Who Uses It: Super Saiyajin 3 Gotenks.

Kishinha: An attack where the user fires a quick blast of Ki from throwing
their arm forward.
Who Uses It: Frieza. (Final Form.)

Makankosappo: A powerful attack where the user puts two fingers to their
head and charges a narrow beam of Ki, which they then release, causing
damage depending on the charging time.
Who Uses It: Piccolo.

Masenko: A powerful attack where the user brings both of their hands over
their head and charges a Ki Blast, which they then release it.
Who Uses It: Mystic Gohan.

Mightiness Bomber: An attack where the user holds out their hands infront
of them and charges up a Ki Blast and then releases it, causing damage
depending on the time spent on charging.
Who Uses It: Majin Buu.

Mystic Attack: An attack where the user stretches their arm out over a
great distance, striking the enemy.
Who Uses It: Piccolo.

Needle Block: An attack where the user leaps into the air with their knee
extended. The closer the user is to the opponent, the more hits they will
get in.
Who Uses It: Super Saiyajin 2 Majin Vegeta.

Oyatsu Kosen: A strange attack, where the user electricutes the opponent,
which the electricution beam turns them into candy and the user chews on
them, before spitting them back out in an explosion, reverting them back
to normal.
Who Uses It: Majin Buu.

Planet Attack: An attack where the user rolls at the opponent and then
rams them with their head.
Who Uses It: Majin Buu.

Psychokinesis Grab: An attack where the user grabs the opponent with
telekinesis and then lifts them into the air and blasts them with a
exploding Ki Blast.
Who Uses It: Frieza. (Final Form.)

Psychokinesis Lift: An attack where the user lifts the opponent into the
air and fires Ki Blasts at them with their finger.
Who Uses It: Perfect Cell.

Power Press: A quick attack where the user hits the opponent with a double
Who Uses It: Majin Buu.

Power Tackle: An attack where the user rushes the opponent and then dives
onto the ground and slides, ramming into the opponent.
Who Uses It: Super Saiyajin 3 Gotenks.

Quad Kick: An attack where the user releases four kicks at the opponent.
Who Uses It: Super Saiyajin 2 Goku.

Regeneration Counter: An attack where the user guards with his arm and
allows it to be cut off. The user then grabs the opponent, regrows their
arm and uppercuts the opponent.
Who Uses It: Piccolo.

Renzoku Energy Dan: An attack where the user fires off 3 quick Ki Blasts.
Who Uses It: Super Saiyajin 2 Majin Vegeta, Super Saiyajin 3 Gotenks,
Mystic Gohan And Kid Buu.

Renzoku Shine Shine Missiles: A massive attack where the user fires out 11
quick Ki Blasts.
Who Uses It: Super Saiyajin 3 Gotenks.

Rolling Buu Attack: An attack where the user rolls into a ball and
launches themselves at the opponent.
Who Uses It: Kid Buu.

Rolling Disc Tackle: An attack where the user rolls up and throws
themselves at the opponent.
Who Uses It: Kid Buu.

Rolling Thunder Punch: An attack where the user swings their arm around
and then charges the opponent and uppercuts them.
Who Uses It: Super Saiyajin 3 Gotenks.

Rushing Knee Slasher: An attack where the user charges forward and kicks
Who Uses It: Mystic Gohan.

Rushing Suki Combo: An attack where the user charges forward and assaults
the opponent with a barrage of punches.
Who Uses It: Perfect Cell.

Rushing Uppercut: An attack where the user charges forward and performs an
Who Uses It: Mystic Gohan.

Shunkan Idou: An attack where the user teleports either away or toward the
Who Uses It: Super Saiyajin 2 Goku.

Side Slash: An attack where the character flies off and then returns to
the opponent, performing a fast kick.
Who Uses It: Super Saiyajin 2 Goku And Super Saiyajin 2 Vegetto.

Slash Down Kick: An attack where the user flies down in the air and
performs a kick.
Who Uses It: Super Saiyajin 2 Goku.

Sliding Kick: An attack where the user slides onto the ground and does a
slide kick at the opponent.
Who Uses It: Super Saiyajin 2 Majin Vegeta.

Sonic Kick: An attack where the user leaps to the side of the opponent and
then comes back and attacks with a strong kick.
Who Uses It: Piccolo.

Screaming Ki Burst: An attack where the user leaps into the air and stands
there and releases Ki Blasts in every direction.
Who Uses It: Perfect Cell.

Stretching Punch: An attack where the user throws his arm out farther than
normal and attacks with a punch.
Who Uses It: Kid Buu.

Super Dash: A powerful attack where the user performs the Sliding Kick, a
knee kick, a punch and then a jump kick.
Who Uses It: Super Saiyajin 2 Majin Vegeta.

Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack: An attack where the user spits out ghosts
that seek the opponent and explode once they touch them. Depending on how
long the button is held down, 1-3 ghosts will be used.
Who Uses It: Super Saiyajin 3 Gotenks.

Tornado Buu Buu Spin: An attack where the user spins around violently and
heads towards the opponent, trying to hit them.
Who Uses It: Majin Buu.

True Planet Attack: An attack where the user rolls at the opponent, rams
them with their head and then tackles them.
Who Uses It: Majin Buu.

Tsuihidan: An attack where the user fires a guided Ki Blast at the
opponent, which follows them everywhere.
Who Uses It: Piccolo.

Ultimate Rush: An attack where the user charges the opponent and assaults
them with a barrage of physical attacks and finishes with a powerful kick.
Who Uses It: Super Saiyajin 2 Vegetto.

Ultra Diving Headbutt: An attack where the user cartwheels to the side and
then comes back and attacks the opponent with a headbutt.
Who Uses It: Super Saiyajin 3 Gotenks.

Wild Boar Takedown: An attack where the user charges forward and then
dives at the opponent.
Who Uses It: Super Saiyajin 3 Gotenks.

Zanku Kyaku: An attack where the user leaps into the air and performs a
powerful jump kick.
Who Uses It: Mystic Gohan.

Zanzoken Rushing Knee: An attack where the user disappears to the side and
then charges back in and attacks the opponent with a knee kick.
Who Uses It: Mystic Gohan.
By hamada belghiti

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